Remembering Your True Nature

Astrology Breathwork Coaching Druidry Events Finance

Hi there! It’s great to meet 👋 you. I'm Sharyn with a Why, could I be your mentor and guide as you explore your true nature and live in stress-free alignment and flow?

This is my online store, if it were in the 'real world' I'd offer you complimentary cuppa and a piece of cake, but as we're in the beautifully accessible online world instead, you can protect your waistline and browse at your leisure!

It's as easy as ABC - Astrology, Breathwork and Coaching with a dash of Druidry, Events and Finance support. There are little teasers in each product so you can check out all the details before you book. Just press the LEARN MORE button.

If you have any questions or you'd just like to meet me to check out our connection, start by booking a CHAT n CUPPA - this time you provide the cuppa! 

Available Products

2025 Breath of Business - All Access Pass

Access to All my online Group Programmes, choose a monthly or annual pass. 

4 element circles, the golden chaos symbol and Loving Business Star

Breath of Business Treasure Chest

Breath of Business treasure trove - Soul-preneur Support for you and your business. 

The Mercury Project, Mercury on a cosmic background in blues and purples with light

Mercury your Cosmic Project Manager

Free Introductory Workshop - 14th March, 2025 8pm
Join us for Online Group Coaching as we birth a life or business project with Mercury as your Cosmic Project Manager beginning on 24th March, 2025

F.I.R.E up your belief systems and light up your life - June 25

F.I.R.E (Focus | Identify | Release | Expand). An online group experience, to explore your beliefs and how they are impacting your life experience. for better and worse. Together we will look to past, to inform the present and create a brighter future. 

Breathwork Facilitator Training

Become a Breathwork Facilitator on the Breathing Space Hybrid Pathway or Apprenticeship Pathway with Sharyn and Marie as your teacher and guide.

Online Apprenticeships Worldwide
In-person Training in York, Belfast and Edinburgh

Fireside Astrology

Join me each month around the 'Zoom FIRE' to explore the current astrological sign and planetary ruler. 

Natures Breath Treasure Chest

Nature's treasure trove - Overcome burn-out by connecting to the cycles and rhythms of nature

Cosmic Coaching including Breathwork and Hypnotherapy

Meaningful conversations about Life and Business. Exploring you & your place in the cosmos

Soul Plan, Natural Astrology or Elemental Star Consultation

Natural Astrology, Elemental Star, or Soul Plan Consultations

Unique insights into your soul blueprint. Encouraging you to remember your true nature.

My Products Available Products
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